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Exchange of the Day

Donald Trump was interviewed by Bret Baier on Fox News about his indictment for illegally retaining classified documents.

TRUMP: Mike Pence had documents that were classified.

BAIER: And he turned them over.

TRUMP: No, he didn’t turn them over. He got caught. His lawyers found some documents and then he turned them over. Why did he have them? He shouldn’t be saying that, because he had classified documents. And immediately they said, ‘That’s OK.’ And I suppose it’s going to be OK with Biden, too, even though he has them in Chinatown? Even though he has them in Delaware and probably 100 times more than I have?

BAIER: So you are not worried about this case?

TRUMP: Based on the law?  Zero. Zero. Presidential Records Act plus the Clinton case — the Clinton case which was won by Clinton as president because he took he and hid them in his socks. Zero.


TRUMP: Zero. And every good lawyer has said it, and you have seen that. Every good lawyer has said that.

BAIER: Obviously there are others that push back.

TRUMP: This was a weaponization of politics. This was a weaponization of the White House. This was a horrible thing. A candidate that’s leading. I’m leading Biden by a lot. They go out and they weaponize. There is a horrible thing that was done.

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