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Only the Voters Can Crush Donald Trump

Only the Voters Can Crush Donald Trump
Only the Voters Can Crush Donald Trump

Peggy Noonan: “Mr. Trump has looked bad since his weak and formless presidential announcement last month—dining with anti-Semites and white supremacists, meeting with Q supporters, calling for the Constitution to be waived to return him to office. He appears to be deliberately marginalizing himself. There is a debate whether we are witnessing the end of Mr. Trump. But here is the truth: Only the voters can crush Mr. Trump.”

“It’s good if senators come forward and deplore his latest antics, if party operatives cast doubt on his viability and writers and thinkers on the right deplore him. But it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that voters on the ground turn away from him. That is how it ends. Any other way and he says the swamp did him in. Voters have to show no, it was us, and we’re not the swamp.”

John Ellis: “At the precinct level, Trump remains the champ. Until someone beats him at the precinct level, Trump remains the front-runner. And the more the media (on all platforms) and the GOP establishment (on but mostly off the record) attack Trump, the more the protective instincts of ‘base’ Republican voters kick in.”

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