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How Would Don Draper Sell Joe Biden?

Semafor: “Every presidential campaign involves building a shorthand version of the candidate that can be captured in a 30-second ad. But deciding how to pitch that ‘Joe Biden’ — which traits to emphasize, which to downplay, and for which audiences — is especially important this cycle, because real-life Biden lacks the same draw on public attention as his predecessors. Even setting aside questions related to his age and ability to campaign aggressively, he’s been a more low-key president: He does relatively few interviews and has a harder time breaking through news cycles with a big speech, as Barack Obama often tried to, or outrageous provocation, Donald Trump’s go-to move.”

“You’re going to see a lot of that ad version of Biden. Already, team Biden has plenty of money to play with: In the fourth quarter, the campaign reported raising $97 million while holding a historic $117 million cash reserve between the reelection campaign, the DNC, and state parties.”

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