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5 ChatGPT Prompts To Make Powerful Connections

LinkedIn has 875 million users and 310 million of these are active every month. By 2025, the platform estimates it will have one billion people signed up. It’s very likely that your dream clients use LinkedIn, so it makes sense to use it to find them. But logging on and seeing a busy newsfeed and hundreds of notifications might leave you wondering where to start.

Which actions should you take to get set up for success and ready to win? ChatGPT can help you with these five powerful prompts. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

How to be better at LinkedIn with ChatGPT

Narrow your search

If you’re a B2B company you will sell to businesses that fit a certain set of criteria. But there’s more to it than that. It’s very likely that the person who gives the go ahead has a very specific job title. In fact, across your entire client base there’s probably only five or six distinct roles. When you figure out what those job titles are, you can use LinkedIn to perform a search. You can connect with people who fulfil exactly the right parameters. You can avoid wasting time on the platform.

“I am targeting decision-makers in [specify industries], typically in companies with [describe company size, location, or other relevant attributes]. The decision-makers usually hold titles like [list known job titles]. Based on this, can you help generate a more comprehensive list of job titles and detailed search criteria that I should use on LinkedIn to find and connect with similar decision-makers? This list should help me refine my LinkedIn search to connect with the right prospects efficiently and effectively.”

Be more presentable

First impressions matter, and that means on LinkedIn. It’s likely your headshot and header need an edit, especially if you haven’t changed them in a while. Use ChatGPT’s image upload feature to get feedback and wow potential new connections at first glance. Your headshot should be friendly and clear, your header line and banner should explain how you help people achieve a result. Don’t leave this to chance, improve your conversion rate with this simple prompt.

“I have uploaded a screenshot of my current LinkedIn profile header section. Based on this, can you provide suggestions on three key elements: (1) How to improve my profile picture to make it more appealing and professional, (2) Ideas for enhancing my headline text to better communicate what’s in it for prospects, focusing on the results and benefits I offer, and (3) Recommendations for making my header banner more engaging and reflective of my professional brand. Your feedback should help me create a strong first impression on LinkedIn and improve my profile’s overall effectiveness.”

Rework your summary

Your LinkedIn summary comes directly below your featured posts and recent activity and has the title, “about.” But contrary to the title, this section isn’t really about you. Instead, it should share what’s in it for them. It should capture interest and read more like a sales page. It should give someone the full picture of how you can change their world. Ask ChatGPT to help you perfect yours. Copy and paste it in and ask for a rewrite or a better structure.

“I’ve copied my current LinkedIn ‘About’ summary below. Can you help rewrite and restructure it to be more impactful? The new summary should start with an attention-grabbing statement, followed by information that builds my credibility. Include testimonials or client success stories (also copied below) to back up this information. Finally, end with a clear call to action that encourages connections to engage with me. The goal is to make the summary not just about me, but a compelling narrative of how I can benefit potential connections and change their world. [Paste your LinkedIn summary]. [Include a testimonial or client success story].”

Write better opening messages

When someone reads your opening outreach message they should feel like they know what you’re about and be keen to connect. Ideally, whatever you say doesn’t sound like spam. It doesn’t sound sleazy or overly promotional, but casual, intriguing and inviting a response. Get ChatGPT’s help writing your initial message, to convert more connection requests and have more conversations. You have your list of perfect prospects, your profile is up to scratch, now’s where it all gets real. After using this prompt, you’ll probably need to ask ChatGPT to tone it down.

“I aim to achieve [state your specific goals for connection requests, such as building a network in a specific industry, finding potential clients, etc.]. Based on this goal, can you generate 6 options for opening messages for my LinkedIn connection requests? You are already aware of the roles these individuals have. These messages should be low key yet intriguing, not sound salesy or AI-generated, and be no more than 300 characters each. They should convey what my business does in a casual, engaging manner that encourages a positive response and opens up a conversation.”

Generate content ideas

ChatGPT now knows who you are and what you deliver. It knows who you’re looking to meet and what you can do for them. Get ideas for content topics and hooks that will demonstrate your skills and expertise in the field, share your personality, and get your new connections caring about what you have to say. Use this prompt to spark the ideas, then get writing the content that you share as regular posts.

“Given what you know about my business, expertise, and target audience, can you adopt the role of a social media marketing expert and suggest 4-5 content pillars that would resonate with my LinkedIn connections? These pillars should reflect areas where I can demonstrate my skills, share insights, and showcase my personality. Additionally, provide 10 options for intriguing hooks – these are attention-grabbing opening sentences for posts that will make people want to read more. The hooks should be compelling and relevant to the suggested content pillars, drawing in readers and encouraging engagement with my content.”

Make better LinkedIn connections with ChatGPT

Attract high value people into your life by being one yourself. Start with your LinkedIn profile. Rework your search criteria, your profile picture and header information, and the summary information that gets a new connection on board. Be ready to go with opening messages you’re proud to send, and get ideas for content that your connections will love to read. It starts with these five simple prompts, it ends with opening your door to new opportunities that may just lead somewhere awesome.

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