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What Will Mike Johnson Do?

What Will Mike Johnson Do?
What Will Mike Johnson Do?

Playbook: “Does he follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Kevin McCarthy and put forward a clean continuing resolution, punting the clash to a more opportune moment? Or does he pick a fight with Democrats now and demand concessions for keeping the government open?”

“Johnson and his rank-and-file discussed possible strategies during a closed-door meeting yesterday, but the session appeared to only further divide the conference. Conservatives are stumping for a so-called ‘laddered’ CR that would stagger funding deadlines for various parts of the government, while appropriators and other veteran members are mocking the idea and ready to accept the inevitable kick of the can.”

Joked one GOP aide: “You don’t like one fiscal cliff? Cool. Here’s a dozen fiscal cliffs. Have fun.”

Punchbowl News notes: “Conservatives, at least for now, are giving him the benefit of the doubt.”

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