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Tony Evers Extends School Budget for Four Centuries

Tony Evers Extends School Budget for Four Centuries
Tony Evers Extends School Budget for Four Centuries

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D), “a former public school educator, used his broad partial veto authority this week to sign into law a new state budget that increases funding for public schools for the next four centuries,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

“The surprise move will ensure districts’ state-imposed limits on how much revenue they are allowed to raise will be increased by $325 per student each year until 2425, creating a permanent annual stream of new revenue for public schools and potentially curbing a key debate between Democrats and Republicans during each state budget-writing cycle.”

“Evers crafted the four-century school aid extension by striking a hyphen and a ’20’ from a reference to the 2024-25 school year. The increase of $325 per student is the highest single-year increase in revenue limits in state history.”

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