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Sarah Palin Melts Down And Says America Should Be Angry About Her Crushing Defeat

Sarah Palin claimed that her crushing rejection in the Alaska House special election should anger the entire nation.


Palin said, “That harms the entire nation, so I think the entire country should be angry at what’s going on with this establishment system, and it was the political establishment that created this system with the ranked-choice voting, and without encouraging the other Republican to drop out after he got bumped three times. Others should be outraged about what’s going on because our system is harming the US.”

The ranked-choice system was more democratic because it didn’t force Republicans in the state to vote for Sarah Palin. Democrats and Republicans in the state do not like Sarah Palin, but in a traditional election, Republicans would not have been able to rank their choices.

Palin is complaining because at no point in the process did she get the most votes, so she deserved to lose.

Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system saved America from having to see Sarah Palin in Congress. It was a good day for America and democracy when Sarah Palin lost.

Unlike the other candidates in the race, Palin didn’t attend candidate forums or appear very interested in courting the voters to get their support. She did a rally with Trump and went on Fox News.

Sarah Palin is throwing a fit because she lost, and if stays in the race to serve a full term, she will likely lose again.

America is better off because Alaska rejected Sarah Palin.

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