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Is The Easter Bunny Real? (Explained)

Easter eggs and macarons


One of the best parts about the spring season for any child is the arrival of the Easter Bunny.

Hunting for eggs and finding candy inside is one of the best events of childhood.

However, there may come a time when your child asks you whether or not the Easter Bunny is real.

This may make you wonder how the tradition came to be.

Here’s what you need to know about the Easter Bunny and whether it’s real or not.


Is The Easter Bunny Real?

Happy Easter


Sadly, the Easter Bunny is not real.

There isn’t a bunny that hops across the world hiding eggs for children to find.

Since Easter is associated with Christian traditions, it’s also worth noting that there isn’t mention of an Easter Bunny in the Bible either.

According to, it’s believed that the first concept of the Easter Bunny came to America via German immigrants.

They told stories about hares that could lay eggs.

The act of decorating eggs dates back even earlier to the 13th century.

Over the centuries, the traditions of Easter have become more modern.

For example, using plastic eggs and putting chocolate in them is a modern addition.


Where Did The Easter Bunny Come From?

Easter bunny with eggs


The Christian holiday of Easter coincides with the arrival of the spring season.

For many ancient cultures, hares and bunnies were tokens of fertility.

They’re known for their ability to reproduce in great numbers.

Reproduction symbolized life for many of these cultures.

As such, hares and bunnies became prominent symbols of the spring season which also represented rebirth, fertility, and new life.

Christians celebrate Easter Sunday, the day on which Jesus rose from the dead before ascending into Heaven.

This day symbolizes new life and resurrection.

Since it has ties to new life, it only makes sense that the Christian faith would also adopt the symbol of the bunny as part of its traditions.

The earliest story of the Easter Bunny comes from German immigrants in the 1700s.

Many German immigrants lived in Pennsylvania.

There, they told their children stories about “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.”

“Osterhase” was a hare with the ability to lay colored eggs.

A tradition developed where the children would make nests for the hare to use to lay its eggs in.

The tradition slowly gained popularity and spread across the United States.

In addition to the colorful eggs, the tradition evolved, and people began putting chocolate inside plastic eggs.

Baskets also replaced nests.

Sometimes the eggs would simply be in the basket while other times parents would scatter them about for children to find.

Baskets sometimes also housed bigger presents than chocolate.

Similar to leaving treats out for Santa Claus and his reindeer, some children leave out carrots for the Easter Bunny.

This is done to give the bunny some food as he makes his trek across the world.


What Do Easter Eggs Symbolize?

Easter eggs on wood


While the Easter Bunny symbolizes new life and resurrection, easter eggs have a slightly different meaning.

In ancient cultures, eggs often represented new life.

In many pagan religions, eggs were common in festivals.

Eggs have a slightly different meaning in the Christian tradition.

They represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb.

The egg, itself, represents the tomb, and the chocolate inside the egg represents Jesus.

As such, the eggs also represent the process of resurrection.

The act of coloring eggs is also ancient.

It dates back to at least the 13th century.

In earlier practices of Lent, eggs weren’t allowed to be consumed.

Lent is a religious fast where its observers often abstain from eating meat.

While most can eat eggs today, there was a time when eating eggs wasn’t allowed.

As the Lenten season passed, some families decorated eggs as a celebration of the fast passing.

These traditions then became a part of the Christian and secular holidays.

In the Christian tradition, it’s a further means to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

In the secular tradition, it’s just a fun pastime to share with the family.


Where Did The Easter Parade Come From?

New York Easter Parade


Another famous part of Easter is the Easter Parade.

You may wonder how it came about.

The earliest roots of the Easter Parade trace back to the mid-1800s in New York City.

At that time, those who belonged to the upper crust of society would attend Easter services in their best dresses, suits, and hats.

They’d then go on walks along Fifth Avenue to show off their newest hats and dresses.

Over time, average residents would come out to watch the people stroll around wearing the latest fashions.

Eventually, this procession became known as the Easter Parade.

Now, the street gets shut down to allow the participants to walk together sporting outrageous hats and clothes in celebration of Easter.


When Should You Tell Your Child The Easter Bunny Isn’t Real?

Mother giving warning to boy


One of the most difficult parts of being a parent is telling your children that certain magical creatures, like the Easter Bunny, aren’t real.

It’s a devastating moment for many children.

It even symbolizes a loss of some of their innocence.

Some of the beliefs in magic that children inherently have become lost forever.

Yet, it’s an important part of growing up.

You may be unsure of when the best time to tell your child that the Easter Bunny isn’t real may be.

Here are a few tips to help you determine when that time is.


1. They’re Starting To Ask About It

Kids with easter eggs


One of the best times to tell your child that the Easter Bunny isn’t real is when they start questioning the truth.

As children grow older, they start to form logical connections.

The idea of a bunny laying eggs, for example, is absurd.

A bunny hopping all over the world and hiding eggs is another absurd idea.

As they become older, children will start to realize how silly it is.

Yet, they may be worried that their suspicions are incorrect.

As such, they might come to you and ask for advice.

They might ask if the Easter Bunny is actually real.

This is a great time to ask them what they think.

If they think that the Easter Bunny isn’t real, then you can ask them why they think that.

If they come up with some good, well-thought-out points, then you can break the truth to them.

You can even praise them for thinking it through logically.

However, if they state that they think the Easter Bunny is real, then it might not be time to burst their bubble just yet.

That’s especially true if they start giving reasons why they believe the Easter Bunny is real.

If this occurs, the child is still too young to have the truth broken to them, and it’s okay to let them continue believing in the Easter Bunny.


2. Age

Children at Easter egg hunt


Another major factor that can determine whether it’s the right time to tell them the truth about the Easter Bunny is their age.

At some point, a child becomes too old to believe in the Easter Bunny.

While you may always want them to be innocent babies, that isn’t going to help them survive in a modern world.

In the modern world, rationale and logic are the means to success.

Believing in the Easter Bunny is perfectly fine for preschoolers and kindergartners.

That’s still young enough to see the world as magical rather than as logical.

However, if your child is in middle school and still believes that the Easter Bunny is real, then it may be time for a talk.

Middle school is a crucial point in a child’s development.

It’s a transition point where the innocence of youth begins to be shed and the foundations for adulthood are laid.

There’s also a chance that your child might face bullying or teasing if they tell their fellow students that they believe in the Easter Bunny.

There’s a good chance that the other students know the truth.

To avoid having your child become a victim of bullying or teasing, you’ll want to sit them down and have a talk with them about the reality of the Easter Bunny.


3. Exploitation

Mother scolding her naughty daughter


A final sign it’s time to talk to your child about the reality of the Easter Bunny is when they start to exploit the situation.

For example, your child may use the excuse of the Easter Bunny to get more candy.

They may mention the fact that the Easter Bunny brought more candy last year than it did this year.

This indicates that the child has started to question the reality of the Easter Bunny.

They’re starting to put together the pieces and suggesting that the candy might actually come from their parents.

By exploiting their belief in the Easter Bunny, they might be able to get more candy from their parents.

The jig is up at this point.

It’s a great time to ask your child whether they believe the Easter Bunny is real or not.

Their answer can then give you the opening that you need to have the talk.


How To Tell Your Child The Easter Bunny Isn’t Real

Cute little girl with a bunny rabbit has a easter


If it seems as though it’s time to tell your child about the Easter Bunny, then you may wonder how to go about it.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when telling your child that the Easter Bunny isn’t real.


1. Prepare For A Debate

Depending on the situation, your child may still be adamant that the Easter Bunny is real.

Since it’s usually a good idea to wait to tell them until they start questioning it themselves, this isn’t always possible.

For example, an older sibling or friends at school might spill the beans to them.

When this happens, you need to be ready to have a logical debate with your child.

They’ll probably ask you a hundred questions about the Easter Bunny.

It’s a great opportunity to explain to your child, logically, why the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist.

You’ll want to be able to explain it in as simple terms as possible.

You’ll need a lot of patience since you’re probably going to need to repeat yourself a few times.

Having patience and preparing your logical arguments beforehand can ensure you’re ready for the debate to come.


2. Emphasize Fun And Family Tradition

Some children might feel heartbroken that their parents lied to them about the Easter Bunny.

Others may even be angry.

A great way to help keep things in perspective is to remind them that it was all for fun.

They had fun believing in the Easter Bunny and participating in the egg hunts, and that’s all that matters.

You can also tell them that it’s a family tradition.

When they’re older and have children, then they’ll be playing the role of the Easter Bunny, too.

They need to walk away from the conversation understanding that the fun doesn’t end just because they know that the Easter Bunny isn’t real.

There will still be egg hunts and other Easter traditions to enjoy.


3. Prepare For Tears

Some children might cry after you tell them the truth.

You’re essentially taking away some of their innocence.

It’s a removal of the magical world that they believe they live in.

It might also open a can of worms.

They might start to question the reality of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, too.

You should be ready for a whole lot of crying and possibly an even longer conversation if you have to reveal the truth about other characters, too.

Keep your tone gentle and understanding and prepare to do a lot of soothing.

Your child is mourning something that they don’t fully understand.


4. Bring Them Into The Secret

If your child has younger siblings, then it’s important that they don’t ruin the fun for them.

To keep them from ruining the magic for your younger children, you can make them a part of the tradition.

By allowing them to take on the role of the Easter Bunny, at least in some part, they feel more important.

The secret becomes more enjoyable when you’re one of the ones in on it.

It encourages them to keep the secret and it might make the holiday more enjoyable for them, too.

By making them part of the tradition, your child can hopefully walk away from the conversation feeling okay with everything.


5. Praise Their Logic

If you’re having the conversation with your child because they’re starting to doubt the Easter Bunny’s existence, then it’s a great time to give some positive reinforcement.

You can ask them their thoughts about the Easter Bunny and praise the logical conclusions that the child comes to.

Using this method essentially means you don’t even have to be the one who breaks the news to them.

They figure it out for themselves.

By praising them for their logical reasoning and encouraging it, the reveal is less emotional for your child.

Instead of a lie, it seems more like a trick, which may be a bit more forgivable in a child’s eyes.

Encouraging their logical dissection of the Easter Bunny’s existence is a great way to tell your child that it doesn’t exist.


6. Remind Them That They Still Get Candy

Some of your child’s anxiety might be more about no longer getting candy and less about whether the Easter Bunny is real or not.

You can make the conversation a lot easier by telling your child that they’ll still be able to hunt for eggs each Easter.

They can still get candy, and they can still help you paint eggs.

None of that changes.

Then you can start asking them their thoughts about the Easter Bunny.

Some children may want to cling to the belief of the Easter Bunny because they might think that if they don’t believe anymore, then they won’t get any more candy or any other presents.

By reassuring them that they get those things regardless, then you might find that they’re a bit more willing to listen to reason and logic.

It also helps lessen the sting of the truth.



While the Easter Bunny isn’t real, it symbolizes new life for both the Christian and secular holidays.

Stories of the Easter Bunny date back to German immigrants’ lore that was shared with their children.

Eventually, your child might start to question the existence of the Easter Bunny.

When that happens, you can use the tips above to help you have a pleasant conversation.

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