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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Manufacturing Your Board Games

A group of members playing board games together.

Games have been in existence since time immemorial. The only thing that’s changed is the modernization of the games to suit today’s audience. Games serve various roles such as entertaining, relaxing the mind, boosting cognitive thinking, and as a form of bonding. There are two main types of games; physical and digital.

Physical games involve playing with tangible things like dice, while digital gaming involves playing through electronic devices like tablets. This article bases its discussion on physical games, specifically board games.

Board games vary, but they all entail moving objects on a board. Common examples of board games are Chess and Scrabble. Developing board games isn’t too challenging, and neither is it too easy. You require the right guidance to ensure you manufacture an ideal board game for the market.

You can visit this website: or any other resource if you want to learn more about board game development.

This article will highlight the mistakes to avoid during the process of game development. Read on!

1.Hiring A Jack Of All Trades

Most game developers require the services of board game manufacturers in China or their preferred location to bring the game to existence. This is often the case if you lack adequate resources to manufacture the game independently.

As you outsource for manufacturing, you want to avoid hiring a provider who’ll undertake the whole job independently. It’s best to seek one who’ll do what they do best and outsource the rest to the gurus in the sector.

For example, your board game could contain wooden, plastic, and figurines, each requiring different manufacturing materials and skills. The manufacturer will outsource each to the relevant experts, giving your final product an all-around quality. Quality translates to durability, which most gamers prefer as they invest in board games.

However, when you work with a manufacturing company that’ll handle everything, there’s a likelihood of quality compromise with some of the products, which isn’t ideal.

2.Not Factoring In The End User

The end user refers to the group for whom you’ve developed your board game. They form an important part of your game; hence, you must incorporate them into your game design. The mistake some board game manufacturers make isn’t considering them. In the end, they won’t meet the needs of this audience, reducing sales and profits.

How do you incorporate them?

First, you have to identify them and approach them. Inquire about their view of an ideal board game. With this, you’ll know the specific aspects to include in your game to remain relevant. Incorporating this insight increases the chances of your target audience buying your board game, which is your desire.

Factoring in your game’s end user also ensures you identify the right marketing strategy to adopt. It’ll increase the chances of them knowing of the game’s existence, increasing the possibility of sales.

3.Not Seeking Opinions

The game industry acts quite differently from other industries. In other industries, opinions don’t matter much, as long as you have a gap to fill in the market. However, when creating your board game, you might fill a gap but still fail to meet your deliverables. What’s ideal to you as a manufacturer might not be ideal to the public, hence the need to seek opinions.

Part of the initial stages of board game manufacturing involves developing a prototype. Before mass producing the prototype, consider testing it out in the market. You can ask your niece or nephew, who loves to play board games, to try out the game. Do they like it? How interested are they, or do they perceive it as boring? Yes, they might represent a very small percentage of your target audience. Still, there’s a likelihood of their feedback being that of most of the population.

Once you seek opinions, acting on the mentioned aspects is important to improve your game. Some manufacturers make the mistake of ignoring these opinions, which end up bringing issues once they launch the game. In such scenarios, the game’s incompetence might make your game lack relevance in the board game industry. You don’t want this for your innovation.

4.Adopting The Wrong Packaging

In the gaming world, the packaging is of the essence. It’s what will capture the public’s eye and prompt them to buy your board game. Adopting improper packaging will drive away attention, a mistake some board manufacturers make. However, you shouldn’t make the same mistake.

Consider making the packaging attractive by making it bold. Boldness doesn’t necessarily mean using bold colors. You can keep the colors neutral but highlight the contents of your board game. However, don’t reveal too much; you want to gain enough attention to prompt the public to buy and want to know more. Your target audience can also guide you. Suppose your target audience is children. Adopt colorful figurines of aspects currently on trend. This is more or less enough to capture this audience. However, you shouldn’t take such an approach with a mature target audience. They’re likely to dismiss it as a childish game, defeating your purpose of reaching them.


Manufacturing a successful board game is a possibility should you approach the process in the right manner. The discussion above shows some approaches you can adopt and those to avoid to ensure an easy process. Consider implementing them in your board game development process. It’ll be a success and remain relevant in the industry in the long haul.

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