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Advertising And Marketing Tips From My Three-Year-Old Kid

By Samuel Thimothy, VP at, an inbound marketing agency, and co-founder of, the digital marketing intelligence platform.

My three kids are all under the age of six, and they are digital natives. Like every parent, I’ve been fascinated to watch them grow up in this new digital world.

They’re constantly exploring and learning from it, but there are some things that stand out to me about how they interact with their environment.

Surprisingly, my little one managed to give me a few important lessons not just about life but also about marketing and advertising.

Let me share them with you.

Lesson #1: Be memorable with your branding.

My son is extremely fond of cars. He started recognizing different brands at a very young age. BMW, Mercedes, Tesla—all the cars you can imagine. He has memorized them all because of their logos—and that is an essential part of every brand.

Logos are powerful because they allow people to connect with your company and your values. Color schemes, fonts and so on—the more memorable, the better!

But when you create an instantly recognizable brand, your business becomes more than just a name and symbol. It becomes the face of what your brand stands for. Use this powerful association to make it easier for consumers to connect with your product or service. It really works.

Lesson #2: Be consistent with your messaging.

Every time we drive down the road with my kid, he sees all the store signs and reads them out loud: Starbucks, Subway, McDonald’s.

He captured all these names blazing fast because he’d see their ads everywhere—and they would all be consistent in the images, color schemes, voice and everything else.

So if you want to attract your buyers, make sure you’re staying consistent with your brand messaging. It has to reflect in every ad, every social post and every customer interaction.

When your brand is consistent, it becomes more recognizable to consumers, making your company feel more reliable. This way, customers also get to know you on a more personal level.

Lesson #3: Don’t interrupt your customers.

Another thing I observed from my three-year-old when it comes to advertising and marketing is that he hates interruptions, but he’s okay with native advertising.

Whenever he’s trying to play Curious George on my iPhone and he sees a commercial pop up, he absolutely hates it. The kid learned to skip ads before anyone ever taught him how to do that.

My takeaway is that we as marketers should learn to engage our customers without annoying them. Whatever you are doing, don’t force your messages on them. Make people voluntarily come to you.

All in all, as a marketer and advertiser, keep these three things in mind when you’re thinking about how to promote your brand and attract buyers.

How’s your branding? Is it memorable? Are you consistent with your messaging? And finally, are you interrupting people in their day when they’re trying to browse around, or are you providing value?

You can improve your customers’ lives and their businesses by following these small pieces of advice.

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