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Threat to Place Conditions on Wildfire Relief Stirs Outrage

Threat to Place Conditions on Wildfire Relief Stirs Outrage
Threat to Place Conditions on Wildfire Relief Stirs Outrage

“President-elect Donald Trump’s long-standing threats to place conditions on California wildfire aid are gaining traction with Republicans, looming over the government’s response to the devastation in Los Angeles and infuriating Democratic leaders who said such actions would be unprecedented,” the Washington Post reports.

“Some Republicans have suggested tying the aid to government funding or an increase in the debt ceiling, which Trump tried to pressure lawmakers to do last month but struggled to sell to House Republicans. Others have suggested forcing California to change its water policies. Linking disaster funding to other priorities could increase the GOP’s leverage — but it could also backfire, with some Republicans already joining Democrats in condemning the threat.”

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