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Why Is Hollywood Suddenly Silent About Trump?

Why Is Hollywood Suddenly Silent About Trump?
Why Is Hollywood Suddenly Silent About Trump?

Hollywood Reporter: “Something strange has been happening to The Apprentice, which despite acute timeliness and an 83 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes has been willed away by the industry. Most distribution execs wouldn’t touch it; actors won’t talk about it.”

“The film shows how Cohn’s bare-knuckle approach shaped a young Trump. And whether entertainers fear validating Trump’s relevance or worry about repercussions for seeming critical of his power, they’ve sidestepped the subject. What if they made a movie about Roy Cohn and everyone was afraid of a blacklist?”

“Such a reception metaphorizes current Hollywood. After deploying every weapon to stop Trump from regaining the White House — letting loose every Beyoncé performance, George Clooney op-ed and Taylor Swift endorsement — the industry has pretty much gone Harold Lloyd-silent since he won.”

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