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Harris Faces Toughest Interview So Far

Harris Faces Toughest Interview So Far
Harris Faces Toughest Interview So Far

Washington Post: “The interview with Fox chief political anchor Bret Baier, which also featured a testy back-and-forth on immigration, represented a calculated gamble for Harris, given Fox’s role as a conservative-leaning network that is one of the top news sources for Republicans.”

New York Times: “From the outset, Mr. Baier seemed determined to knock Ms. Harris off her talking points — often by echoing those of Mr. Trump.”

“It took him less than 20 seconds to interrupt her for the first time. Ms. Harris, who is known as an effective practitioner of the filibuster, had hardly even begun to answer his opening question. That pattern continued for much of the interview.”

The Hill: “Harris and Baier sparred from the outset when Baier asked about the number of migrants who have entered the country illegally since the start of the Biden administration. The Fox News host followed up several times with questions related to immigration, a subject that took up nearly half the airtime.”

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