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Expansive Senate Map Tightens In Home Stretch

Expansive Senate Map Tightens In Home Stretch
Expansive Senate Map Tightens In Home Stretch

“Heading into the 2024 cycle, Republicans saw a Senate map offering flip opportunities in eight red and purple states as a seemingly once-in-a-decade opportunity,” ABC News reports.

“Now, Republicans and Democrats are fighting over a smaller battlefield chiefly focused on two Democratic-held red-state seats in Montana and Ohio. And while Senate races in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin essentially remain coin flips, they’re discussed in Washington and elsewhere as belonging to a second tier, while GOP-held seats in Florida and Texas are becoming the focus of increased spending.”

“To be certain, Republicans are still favored by most prognosticators to take the Senate this year, but even some GOP operatives conceded that aspirations of a tidal wave election may not be within their grasp.”

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