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Inside the Predictive Power of Washington’s Primaries

Inside the Predictive Power of Washington’s Primaries
Inside the Predictive Power of Washington’s Primaries

“Political polls, betting markets and statistical forecasts have become ubiquitous as November approaches. But there’s one predictive tool you may have missed: primary elections in Washington state, which took place last month,” the New York Times reports.

“It’s an indicator that election nerds pay particular attention to, for good reason: The general election results in the state a few months later tend to move in the same direction — whether becoming more Republican or more Democratic — as the rest of the country.”

“This year, results from Washington state are cause for some optimism among Democrats. They suggest a national environment somewhat similar to 2020, when Joe Biden outgained Donald Trump by 4.5 percentage points in the national popular vote and Democrats retained the House.”

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