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Inside Mike Johnson’s Doomed Funding Strategy

Inside Mike Johnson’s Doomed Funding Strategy
Inside Mike Johnson’s Doomed Funding Strategy

Punchbowl News: “Are you having major déjà vu? We are.”

“The House is set to vote today on a short-term funding bill that won’t pass. GOP lawmakers are grumbling about messaging, strategy and yearning to get back home to run for reelection. And Speaker Mike Johnson is being publicly and privately cagey about his next move, frustrating the entire House Republican Conference, which is looking for guidance about the leadership’s plans.”

“In fact, the GOP leadership is even in the dark at most times as to what Johnson is thinking and planning.”

NOTUS: “It’s not that Johnson is going to lose his gavel this Congress. The reality is there are so few legislative days left in the term that an ouster would be meaningless anyway. But he is in trouble next Congress, assuming Republicans hang on to the majority and Johnson even tries to be speaker again.”

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