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Both Parties Greet Covid Spike with Collective Shrug

Both Parties Greet Covid Spike with Collective Shrug
Both Parties Greet Covid Spike with Collective Shrug

“Democrats and Republicans can agree on one thing coming out of their respective conventions: Almost no one cares about Covid anymore,” Politico reports.

“Infections are running rampant after the Democratic confab in Chicago, with staffers on Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign, reporters and other convention-goers all stricken — and in at least one case claiming the positive test was ‘worth it.’ Cases also cropped up after the Republican National Convention in July.”

“And yet the single most-animating issue of the 2020 election is an afterthought for the major-party nominees coming out of two of the 2024 campaign’s biggest milestones — even as the virus remains an ever-present threat that’s shaped broader debates over key electoral issues like strength of the economy and the future of families’ health and child care.”

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