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Video Shows Project 2025 Chief Discussing Secret Work

Video Shows Project 2025 Chief Discussing Secret Work
Video Shows Project 2025 Chief Discussing Secret Work

“Last month, Russell Vought sat in a five-star Washington, DC, hotel suite, bowing his head in prayer with two men he thought were relatives of a wealthy conservative donor,” CNN reports.

“Vought, one of the key authors of Project 2025, a right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term, expected the meeting would help his think tank secure a substantial contribution. For nearly two hours, he talked candidly about his behind-the-scenes work to prepare policy for former President Donald Trump, his expansive views on presidential power, his plans to restrict pornography and immigration, and his complaints that the GOP was too focused on ‘religious liberty’ instead of ‘Christian nation-ism.’”

“But the men Vought was talking to actually worked for a British journalism nonprofit and were secretly recording him the entire time…”

“Vought said his group, the Center for Renewing America, was secretly drafting hundreds of executive orders, regulations, and memos that would lay the groundwork for rapid action on Trump’s plans if he wins, describing his work as creating “shadow” agencies. He claimed that Trump has ‘blessed’ his organization and ‘he’s very supportive of what we do.’”

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