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Trump Can’t Stay on Message

Trump Can’t Stay on Message
Trump Can’t Stay on Message

“Donald Trump’s speech on Wednesday in Asheville, N.C., his first event in a battleground state in nearly two weeks, was supposed to offer him a bit of a reset after his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, gained significant momentum,” the New York Times reports.

“His top advisers have urged him to focus on policy issues, and he vowed to about 2,000 people in an Asheville auditorium that he would do just that, giving a speech that he said would focus squarely on the economy and inflation.”

“But in a speech lasting more than an hour, Mr. Trump often veered far from that aim. He jeered President Biden over being pressured to exit the race, frequently criticized the Biden administration’s immigration policy, broadly attacked undocumented immigrants as criminals and lobbed a series of personal attacks at Ms. Harris, whom he claimed had been chosen after Democrats ‘decided to get politically correct.’l

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