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A Governor Would Be a Rare Pick for Democrats

A Governor Would Be a Rare Pick for Democrats
A Governor Would Be a Rare Pick for Democrats

Joshua Spivak: “The last time such a choice was made was in 1924, when the Democrats chose Nebraska Gov. Charles Bryan (the brother of three-time Democratic presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan) as the vice presidential pick before their inauspicious trouncing to Republican Calvin Coolidge that November. Bryan was chosen after the party took a grueling and record-setting 103 ballots to choose John W. Davis as the presidential nominee at the top of the ticket.”

“Since then, the Democrats have only chosen federal officials for the VP slot.”

“The favorite farm team for vice presidents has been sitting U.S. senators: 16 of the last 17 nominees were taken directly from the U.S. Senate, including Harris herself, who was a senator from California when Biden tapped her in 2020.”

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