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Why She Should Pick Josh Shapiro

Why She Should Pick Josh Shapiro
Why She Should Pick Josh Shapiro

Nate Silver: “Well, Shapiro is the extremely popular governor of what is by far the most important swing state. He’s highly charismatic and he’s qualified. He seems to want the job. This is about as obvious as things get in politics. You need a good reason to not pick Shaprio — and as I’ll cover here, the arguments against Shapiro are pretty bad.”

“Heck, you could argue that Shaprio was the best pick even in the absence of the Pennsylvania factor. Say he was the extremely popular governor and two-term former attorney general of New Jersey instead — not deep blue, exactly, but also not a swing state. He still laps the rest of the white dudes Harris is considering in telegenic political talent, he’s in prime VP age (51) and he has executive experience. He’d certainly be on Harris’s short list and he might be #1.”

“Pennsylvania is one hell of a tiebreaker, though. It has a 35 percent chance of being the tipping-point state, the state that’s decisive in a close election, much higher than any other.”

Earlier for members: Kamala Harris Knows Who She’s Going to Pick

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