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It Wasn’t a Coup

It Wasn’t a Coup
It Wasn’t a Coup

Philip Klein: “On the day after the debate, I argued that Democrats would dump Biden. Here was the crux of my case: ‘The biggest difference between the two parties right now is that the Republican Party is a vehicle for Donald Trump, but Joe Biden is a vehicle for the Democratic Party.’”

“That ultimately proved the case. Once polls showed Biden couldn’t win, Democrats were happy to give him the boot and there was no mass uprising among the base, which you would expect to see if Trump were booted.”

“Another way of looking at this is that as currently structured, the Democratic Party is focused on winning elections and the Republican Party is focused on placating Trump. It is of course possible that Republicans could still win with Trump and that Democrats could lose despite their best efforts to win. But we should at least be clear on what happened here.”

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