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Why I Get a Coffee with Someone New Every Single Day

Why I Get a Coffee with Someone New Every Single Day
Why I Get a Coffee with Someone New Every Single Day

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For the first 41 years of my life, I ran from coffee. I didn’t think I ‘needed’ it. My energy levels have always aligned with those of that kid you don’t want to sit next to on a flight. Up before the sun every day, I worked until my eyes refused to stay open at night, battling the day — all without coffee.

And then, I became a dad. Everything changes when a new life blesses you, including sleeping patterns. The immediate lack of control I experienced was incredible. My workout routine was decimated, my working hours slashed, and my energy levels were now in line with the sloth you go to take selfies with at your local zoo.

I had to find a way to get my pep back in my step.

Rog, want a coffee?“- My wife, Abby.

Absolutely not. I don’t need coffee. I’ve never tried it and never will.“- Me.

Have one sip.

Fine. One sip.” I’m now a coffee addict.

That was it. The Garden of Eden. Pandora’s Box. I was on the other side of caffeine innocence. The sweet nectar from the Gods of Energy had been tasted, and I would never return.

But I had to find a way to make the coffee journey a “me” thing. I realized that now that I was a “coffee guy,” I had an opportunity to do something I hadn’t done for the first 21 years of my career: coffee meetings!

If you know my story, you know I was a terrible student. I learned relatively early that sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know. I have always been a student of networking. I love relationships. I obsess over learning from great leaders.

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One of my favorite quotes is, “It’s not the grades you make, but the hands you shake.” So how could I leverage this newly discovered “coffee hour” to create new relationships, make new connections and learn about new industries, launching my day into the stratosphere of success?

Coffee with Closers! Eureka. That was it. I made the bold decision to have coffee with a different person six days a week. Forever. I had no idea what the journey I was about to embark on looked like, but I was excited (and caffeinated).

There is nothing wrong with networking as long as it’s genuine. People love talking about themselves as long as it’s in a comfortable setting. I’ve found that a coffee shop meeting is disarming; it allows for that authentic connection. There are no nerves, just people making and maintaining meaningful relationships. I’m always direct when I do my cold-ish reachouts, letting them know that I simply want to hear their story. I have no agenda other than creating a new friendship.

Life is about connections, and I found at a young age that I enjoy connecting the dots — and talking. What better way to spend every morning than doing two of my favorite things?

The key to growing is surrounding yourself with new friends and different perspectives. There’s an art to connecting the dots, especially in the realm of entrepreneurship.

  • You need a canning company for your new energy drink? I’ve got a guy!
  • You need a button manufacturer for your new clothing line? I’ve got a guy who knows a guy!
  • You need an agave plant for your startup tequila brand? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy!

You get the point. The downside of connecting people is nonexistent. Friendship? Mentorship? Support? Success? Why can’t there be more days in the week?

The lure of entrepreneurship is that there is no “right” path or “best” next move. That’s the whole point. It’s a limitless wonderland of innovation, creativity and connection.

Entrepreneurship can’t exist in isolation. How does the saying go, “It takes a village?” Well, I want to know everyone in my village. I want to know their story, passions, and “why.” Starting my day learning from someone else gives me the fresh perspective I need to continue showing up every day, both physically and mentally.

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Every day, I prioritize meeting someone with a fresh perspective to keep the pep in my step. I might have run from caffeine my whole life, but I will never run from pursuing new connections. And you shouldn’t either. Over the past couple of years, I’ve created over 500 new relationships, all of which I take my “Coffee with Closers” photo with. My team and I then create a brief bio of the person I was blessed to spend time with, and we post it on my personal LinkedIn account.

Edifying someone for being successful is great, but showcasing someone because they’re successful AND kind? That’s what I’m talking about!

Also, fun fact…along the way in my coffee journey, I met some founders of a startup coffee company. I’m now one of the founding investors. How about that? The anti-coffee guy is now part owner of a coffee company?

Full circles are my favorite circles.

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