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Trump Hasn’t Changed, but the GOP Has

Trump Hasn’t Changed, but the GOP Has
Trump Hasn’t Changed, but the GOP Has

Molly Ball: “All week, Republicans spoke of ‘unity,’ buoyed by a favorable political landscape and a feeling of destiny. Trump’s first nominating convention, in 2016, was racked with discord as rogue delegates attempted to dethrone him and his chief rival repudiated him from the convention stage to raucous boos. The body was struggling to reject the transplant, their genes seemingly incompatible. In 2020, the Covid-era convention was a truncated show from the White House, and he lost the election.”

“This time, the party belongs to him. Like Trump’s speech, the paeans to harmony were overlaid on a show of swaggering dominance. It was the unity of the conqueror, his foes all slain or subdued.”

Axios: Trump tramples unity theme in two-act convention speech.

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