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Biden’s Stimulus Still Working Through Economy

Biden’s Stimulus Still Working Through Economy
Biden’s Stimulus Still Working Through Economy

New York Times: “The American Rescue Plan, which the Biden administration created and Democrats passed in March 2021, has fueled discontent among voters, in sometimes paradoxical ways. Some Americans blame the law, which included direct checks to individuals, for helping to fuel rapid inflation. Others appear upset that its relief to people, businesses and school districts was short-lived.”

“At the same time, though, the stimulus may be lifting Mr. Biden’s chances for November in ways that pollsters rarely ask about…”

“Supporters of Mr. Biden, and the law, say that enhanced growth has helped the president remain better positioned electorally than his counterparts across Europe. Many European leaders have seen their popularity plummet, and some have suffered party losses in recent elections or are facing the likelihood that voters will soon kick them out of power… He remains more popular than the leaders of France, Germany, Britain and other allies. America’s rapid economic growth and low unemployment rate, bolstered by the stimulus, could help explain that divergence.”

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