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Mitch McConnell Is Trump’s Gimp

Mitch McConnell Is Trump’s Gimp
Mitch McConnell Is Trump’s Gimp

Jonathan Last: “Mitch McConnell thought that Donald Trump would be beholden to him because McConnell owned the machinery of the Republican party. Trump was glad to use that machinery. And then to appropriate it. But all the while McConnell… continued to think that Trump somehow worked for him.”

“Even as he shuffled over to the Capitol Hill Club to lay down his tribute, McConnell’s people were planting a story with Axios about how the old man was still playing the long game, still fixated on ‘power.’ Even as Trump smiled, and held McConnell’s hand, his concerned grin asking, Do you feel in charge?”

“None of this is new. Throughout the age of Trump, McConnell has deluded himself into believing that he was the one who held power.”

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