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Don’t Count Out Ben Carson Yet

Don’t Count Out Ben Carson Yet
Don’t Count Out Ben Carson Yet

“Just about the only person who shows any interest in Ben Carson as the Republican vice-presidential nominee is the one whose opinion matters the most: Donald Trump,” the New York Times reports.

“That personal connection, which has deepened over the years, is why Mr. Carson continues to linger as a potential choice for Mr. Trump’s running mate even as the race shows signs of narrowing to a few top candidates including Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio and J.D. Vance.”

“Few people close to the former president give Mr. Carson much chance of being chosen. But given Mr. Trump’s unconventional approach and history of last-minute decisions, a surprise is possible — and in the wide universe of unlikely but he-just-might-do-it picks, Mr. Carson is probably the leading contender.”

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