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Congress Is Bracing for a Fiscal Pileup

Congress Is Bracing for a Fiscal Pileup
Congress Is Bracing for a Fiscal Pileup

“Congress is headed for a perilous spending pileup in early 2025 — with crisis points on the debt ceiling, federal spending, tax cuts and budget caps all hitting in rapid succession,” Politico reports.

“It could make the past six months of shutdown heartburn look tame.”

“The House is preparing to start passing its own, GOP-written funding bills next week, which marks lawmakers’ first step toward addressing a fiscal menace that will begin to take shape after the November election. It could end with a delay in government funding at best and a global financial meltdown at the very worst.”

“At the heart of the problem: Conservatives are pushing to delay spending work into early next year, which would coincide with yet another new deadline to raise the debt ceiling, setting up a fresh partisan standoff.”

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