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John Fetterman Cuts Though The Media BS On The Biden/Trump Election

John Fetterman Cuts Though The Media BS On The Biden/Trump Election
John Fetterman Cuts Though The Media BS On The Biden/Trump Election

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) made the choice clear for voters who are trying to decide between Biden and Trump in 2024.

Fetterman said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

I really do think, though, that the main issue is like the personalities. It’s like what do you want? Do I want that chaos and that kind of just depravity, or do you want like a decent president that got us through the pandemic, that has been addressing inflation, and now has been addressing wars both in the Ukraine and in Gaza as well too. If you really think that Trump is going to make any of those situations better, I mean, that’s their choice, but I do believe that enough Pennsylvanians are going to decide that this is our guy, that’s my guy.

In 2022 people were like, well, I don’t know if you can campaign. Absolutely. I was proud to campaign with the president, and all these polls now, I’m not really concerned about that. The polls had me that I was going to lose by up to one or two points and we won by five, so I do believe that it’s a very close race.


Fetterman was correct. The media has been basing the coverage on the polls, and the coverage of the election is non-stop horserace. There is an assumption that voters already know everything about Biden and Trump, so there is no need to discuss the difference how these two individuals governed and conducted their presidencies.

Biden has a list of accomplishments as long as your arm, that is matched or exceeded by Trump’s list of scandals and controversies.

Voters have a choice between two very different individuals. Sen. Fetterman is correct in his thinking that voters in Pennsylvania rejected Trump’s brand of chaos once, and even with the ex-president having a significant base of support in the state, the majority of voters will likely do so again.

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