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How Biden and Trump Are Preparing for Their Debate

How Biden and Trump Are Preparing for Their Debate
How Biden and Trump Are Preparing for Their Debate

CNN: “Between the president’s two multi-day trips scheduled for Europe to commemorate D-Day and for the annual G-7 summit and a fundraising swing to California, Biden aides have plans for extensive prep sessions that will likely include a sequestered stretch, possibly at Camp David. Trump’s advisers, however, insist there have been no formal conversations about preparation for next month’s debate, particularly with the candidate himself. Trump, who is facing the end of his hush money criminal trial in New York next week and waiting for a verdict, has several events and a California fundraising swing of his own planned.”

“Biden aides believe the president’s task on stage will be straightforward: both needling and taunting Trump, and repeatedly calling on his opponent to answer and explain comments he’s made and positions he has taken.”

“They argue they’re set up to keep capitalizing on how they cornered the former president into agreeing to a debate on their terms, format and timeline, and much of what Biden will do is try to leverage that into confronting Trump.”

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