David Bernstein: “It’s not that those forward-looking policy topics are unimportant—see for example Eric Cortellessa’s valuable Trump interview for Time, which I wrote about recently. It’s just that asking Trump about his second-term policies feels a little like asking Charles Manson how he plans to decorate the Tate house when he moves in.”
“Pardon my questionable taste, and the rather dated reference, but hopefully you get my point.”
“Some of that normalization is sadly inevitable at this point; Republicans have chosen him as their nominee, so we’re kind of stuck going through the process now. But the moderators of this first major event of the general election could, and I think should, make a serious effort to ask him about his various assaults on the democratic process, the abuses of his office, and various outrageous acts from sexual assault to stealing classified documents… I daresay Bash and Tapper, following my suggestion, would run out of time before getting to any policy questions at all.”