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Trump Seems Excited That Kristi Noem Murdered Her Puppy

Trump Seems Excited That Kristi Noem Murdered Her Puppy
Trump Seems Excited That Kristi Noem Murdered Her Puppy

Trump didn’t condemn Kristi Noem for murdering her dog, but instead hyped her up and said he wanted to know more.

NBC News reported:

What a week!” Trump said when he got to Noem, adding, “The dog, the dog!”

“I’m really curious,” Trump said, “about the dog.”

Trump riffed on Cricket’s story — a tale that has prompted a fierce public backlash — before sounding a positive note as he returned to talk about longtime ally Noem and touted her steadfast support for him over the years.

“She’s been there for us for a long time,” Trump said. “She’s loyal, she’s great.”

One of the sources in the room said Trump was more bemused than critical about the dog controversy.

Anyone who expected Trump to criticize Noem for killing her dog when Donald Trump is an active dog hater who seems to admire violence and violent people hasn’t been paying attention for nearly the last decade. Of course, Trump might be excited by a potential psychopath who is willing to follow his orders or do his bidding.

Noem is likely disqualified as a potential running mate for Trump, but she is still showing up and being mentioned by Trump at his VP auditions and cattle calls. If Noem was really out, or viewed as damaging, she would not be at all of these events and mentioned.

It seems unfathomable that Trump would pick Noem, but Trump is standing by a dog killer, which means that it is still possible.


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