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How To Manage Your Time Like A CEO

How To Manage Your Time Like A CEO
How To Manage Your Time Like A CEO

How To Manage Your Time Like A CEO

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How do you juggle it all when, along with growing a business, you also need to find time to work your full time job… be a mum… keep a happy relationship… spend time with family and friends… look after your health…

The list of what we have on our plates is endless and it makes you feel utterly dizzy and exhausted!!

We’re big dreamers that want to have it all, and that’s so amazing! But we also have to go about it in a way that doesn’t burn us out and overwhelm us.

I go through phases all the time of feeling like I have too much on my plate, but there are some specific things I keep going back to over and over again that always help me to feel a lot more organised and in control.

So in this episode I’m sharing:

  • How I audit my time to track, be intentional and create more joy in my life.
  • The one thing that’s always in my calendar at the end of every day.
  • How to divide your time into 3 categories (and what to do with each one).
  • The one change I made to my calendar to avoid burning out.
  • How to create your CEO calendar.
  • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make with their time that keeps them stuck (and how to avoid it).

I hope you love this episode and if you create your CEO Calendar, make sure to send me a screenshot on Instagram @iamcarriegreen so I can celebrate with you!

And finally, if you enjoyed this episode I would absolutely love it if you could leave us a review and help more people to find the show. You can do that from the Apple Podcasts App.

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