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Haley Faces Long Odds After Embarrassing Nevada Loss

Haley Faces Long Odds After Embarrassing Nevada Loss
Haley Faces Long Odds After Embarrassing Nevada Loss

“Republican presidential long-shot Nikki Haley on Wednesday sought to move beyond a humbling setback in Nevada, where she was roundly rejected in an unusual primary that highlighted her daunting challenges against Donald Trump and reignited questions about her long-term prospects in the race,” the Washington Post reports.

“The former U.N. ambassador trained her sights on the Super Tuesday contests in early March she hopes will turn her flagging bid around, including in California, where she planned to hold a rally late Wednesday. The event came a day after Republican primary voters in Nevada were on pace to choose the ballot option ‘none of these candidates’ over Haley — the only major contestant — by a margin of more than 2-1, with the help of Trump’s well-organized army of supporters.”

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