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Arizona Republicans Don’t Trust Kari Lake

Arizona Republicans Don’t Trust Kari Lake
Arizona Republicans Don’t Trust Kari Lake

Washington Post: “It was an unfamiliar greeting for Lake, an outspoken election denier and former local television anchor who just a year ago was welcomed rapturously by the same Donald Trump-supporting crowd.”

“Yet it was an indication of the mistrust that’s developed within the Arizona GOP after Lake and her allies appeared to have turned a favorite hardball tactic — taping conversations and then leaking them publicly — against one of the party’s own.”

“The booing followed by days the release of a secret recording made of her conversation last year with Jeff DeWit, then the state party chair. During their discussion, DeWit said that important people did not want Lake to run for Senate and wondered if she would think about instead going on a corporate payroll. Lake told him that she would not ‘be bought’ and publicly cast the offer as evidence of bribery.”

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