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Flip the Border Narrative

Flip the Border Narrative
Flip the Border Narrative

Rick Wilson: “The border and immigration issues are now purely emotional, and it’s time to invert public perceptions on the matter. Biden has the chance to own both strength and compassion when it comes to immigration.”

“I’ve often remarked that Republican campaign superiority is primarily not about better messages, better campaigns, or better ads — though those count for a lot — but rather about an appreciation for the power of spectacle in an entirely media-driven culture.”

“Democrats often seem to miss the power of spectacle in the culture war. Love it or hate it, Republicans know how to engineer a stunt. They understand that a jaded, itchy-swiping-finger populace needs new drama and outrage to stay engaged and outraged in the attention economy.”

“Which is why the stunt playing out now on the Texas border gives Biden a chance to pop the MAGA issue in the face and knock Trump down many notches.”

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