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Yes, We’re Still Messing Up Hybrid Work. Here’s Where Exactly We’re Going Wrong.

Yes, We’re Still Messing Up Hybrid Work. Here’s Where Exactly We’re Going Wrong.
Yes, We’re Still Messing Up Hybrid Work. Here’s Where Exactly We’re Going Wrong.

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Is your team truly prepared for the hybrid work revolution? This question might unsettle many business leaders, but it’s one we must confront. The recent shift to hybrid work models has been seismic, yet a staggering number of managers find themselves navigating uncharted waters without a compass. Surveys paint a concerning picture: A vast majority of managers acknowledge the need for new skills in this flexible work era, but astonishingly, nearly half feel ill-equipped and untrained for the task.

Related: 68% of Companies Are Making This Critical Mistake in Their Approach to Hybrid Work — Are You?

The cost of untrained leadership

The cost of this oversight is more than just operational hiccups. Gallup’s research is a wake-up call, revealing that 80% of hybrid workers and 73% of their leaders are sailing in the same rudderless boat. The impact of this unpreparedness on team engagement and well-being is not just significant; it’s exponential. An effective manager’s influence on a team’s engagement is four times more potent than the physical work environment, according to Gallup. This statistic serves as a clarion call for immediate action.

Delving deeper into the skills gap issue, the findings by From Another’s research shed light on a critical disconnect in the current corporate landscape. While 81% of managers recognize the necessity to adapt, 44% confess to lacking the right training and tools. This gap represents a systemic failure to adapt to the evolving work environment.

The impact of this lack of preparedness extends beyond operational inefficiencies. It seeps into the very core of team dynamics, affecting engagement, morale, and ultimately, productivity. Consider the role of an effective manager – they are not just task supervisors; they are motivators, problem-solvers, and the bridge between the organization’s goals and the team’s aspirations. When such a pivotal role is undermined by inadequate training, the consequences are profound. Employee disengagement can skyrocket, leading to higher turnover rates, reduced productivity, and a dampened team spirit.

Investing in managers for organizational resilience

The investment in managerial training should be seen as a critical pillar for building organizational resilience in the evolving landscape of work. In the hybrid work model, the role of a manager transcends traditional boundaries, becoming more complex and multifaceted. A well-trained, well-equipped manager becomes the key driver in steering this model towards success.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that the effectiveness of managers in a hybrid environment has a direct and significant impact on the overall health of the organization. Managers who are adept at navigating the nuances of hybrid work can effectively align their teams with the organization’s goals, regardless of physical location. This alignment is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency, fostering innovation, and ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

Furthermore, investing in managerial training is an investment in employee engagement and retention. Managers play a pivotal role in shaping the work experience of their team members. When they are equipped with the right skills to manage, motivate, and support their team members, it leads to higher levels of job satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. This, in turn, translates to lower turnover rates and a stronger employer brand, attracting top talent to the organization.

This investment also signals a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation. By prioritizing managerial training, organizations demonstrate a forward-thinking mindset, acknowledging that the skills needed yesterday may not be sufficient for tomorrow. This approach fosters a culture of learning and adaptability, which is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Moreover, well-trained managers are better equipped to identify and mitigate risks associated with hybrid work, such as communication breakdowns, team fragmentation, and burnout. By foreseeing and addressing these challenges proactively, they contribute to the overall resilience and sustainability of the organization.

Redefining managerial training for a hybrid world

As I tell my clients when developing management training programs for hybrid work, effective training for hybrid work transcends traditional boundaries, requiring a comprehensive and nuanced approach. It’s not just about the technical know-how of handling virtual meetings or scheduling tools. Instead, it calls for a more holistic development of skills that are often overlooked but crucial in a hybrid setting.

Firstly, emotional intelligence takes center stage. In a hybrid environment, understanding and managing emotions – both one’s own and those of team members – is vital. This skill becomes even more crucial when direct, in-person interactions are limited. Managers need to be trained to pick up on subtle cues in virtual settings, cues that are often more nuanced and less apparent than in face-to-face interactions. This training should include recognizing signs of stress or disengagement in team members, effectively communicating empathy, and fostering an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and heard.

Digital proficiency is another critical area. While most managers are familiar with basic digital tools, the hybrid environment demands a deeper understanding and more strategic use of these tools. Training should focus on leveraging technology not just for task management but for fostering collaboration, creativity, and connection among team members. This includes using project management software more effectively, understanding the best practices for virtual meetings, and being aware of and utilizing digital tools that can enhance team interaction and productivity.

Additionally, an adaptive leadership style is crucial. Hybrid work environments are dynamic, and what works one day may not be effective the next. Managers must be trained to be flexible in their leadership approach, adapting to the varying needs of their team members. This adaptability also means being open to feedback and willing to continuously learn and evolve their management style. It involves understanding the unique challenges and opportunities of managing remote and in-office team members and being adept at creating a cohesive team culture that bridges the physical divide.

Honing communication skills is another key focus. In a hybrid setup, clear and inclusive communication is paramount. Managers need to be adept at conveying their messages effectively across various digital platforms, ensuring that every team member, whether remote or in-office, feels equally involved and informed. This involves not just verbal and written communication skills but also an understanding of non-verbal cues in virtual settings. Training should cover aspects like active listening, clear and concise messaging, and the use of visual aids to enhance understanding.

Developing strategies for remote team building is equally important. Hybrid work models can lead to a sense of disconnection among team members. Managers should be equipped with strategies to foster team cohesion and a sense of community, regardless of physical location. This could include virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins, and creating opportunities for informal interactions among team members. The training should also emphasize the importance of celebrating team achievements and milestones, which can significantly boost morale and team spirit.

These training programs should not be static; they need to be dynamic and evolve with the changing landscape of hybrid work. They should include regular updates and refresher courses to keep managers abreast of the latest tools and strategies. Additionally, offering a platform for managers to share their experiences and learn from each other can be invaluable.

Related: Employers: Hybrid Work is Not The Problem — Your Guidelines Are. Here’s Why and How to Fix Them.

Understanding cognitive biases in hybrid work management training

In the context of hybrid work and managerial training, understanding the impact of cognitive biases is crucial. These biases can significantly influence how managers perceive and address the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work environments. Let’s delve into two specific biases: status quo bias and empathy gap, and explore their implications in this setting.

Status quo bias is the tendency to prefer things to remain the same or to resist changes, especially when the benefits of change are uncertain. In the realm of hybrid work management, this bias can manifest in several ways. Managers might be inclined to stick with traditional management practices, hesitant to adopt new strategies or tools that are better suited for hybrid work environments. This resistance can stem from a discomfort with change or an underestimation of the new skills required in a hybrid setting.

For instance, a manager might continue to evaluate employee performance based on time spent working, disregarding the productivity and efficiency of outcomes-focused metrics. This bias can hinder the adoption of more effective performance metrics that are tailored to hybrid work models. The status quo bias can also lead to a reluctance to invest in necessary training for managing hybrid teams, as it deviates from traditional training models.

The empathy gap refers to the difficulty in understanding or predicting others’ emotions, especially when they are in a different situation or context. In hybrid work environments, this can lead to managers underestimating or misjudging the challenges faced by remote team members. For example, a manager who primarily works on-site might struggle to fully grasp the communication barriers, feelings of isolation, or work-life balance issues experienced by remote employees.

This gap can result in ineffective communication strategies or insufficient support for remote team members, leading to disengagement and decreased productivity. Managers might overlook the need for regular check-ins or fail to create inclusive meeting formats that ensure remote employees feel as involved as their in-office counterparts.

Incorporating an understanding of these biases into managerial training programs is essential. Training should not only focus on imparting new skills but also on raising awareness of these cognitive biases and their impact on managing hybrid teams. Managers should be encouraged to challenge their preconceptions, critically evaluate their management approaches, and adopt more flexible, inclusive strategies that cater to the diverse needs of hybrid teams.

For instance, training programs can include exercises that simulate remote work scenarios, helping managers to experience and understand the challenges faced by remote employees, thereby bridging the empathy gap. Similarly, discussions and case studies can be used to illustrate the pitfalls of the status quo bias, encouraging managers to embrace and adapt to the changing dynamics of the workplace.


The move to hybrid work isn’t a temporary shift; it’s the future of work. As we navigate this new landscape, the need for adequately trained managers cannot be overstated. It’s time for organizations to step up and equip their leaders with the skills and tools needed to thrive in this new era. Let’s not just adapt to hybrid work; let’s master it with well-trained managers leading the charge.

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