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Why Iowa Turned So Red

Why Iowa Turned So Red
Why Iowa Turned So Red

New York Times: “There is no single reason that over the past 15 years the Upper Midwest saw Iowa turn into a beacon of Donald Trump’s populism, North and South Dakota shed storied histories of prairie populism for a conservatism that reflected the national G.O.P., and Illinois and Minnesota move dramatically leftward.”

“No state in the nation swung as heavily Republican between 2012 and 2020 as Iowa, which went from a six-percentage-point victory for Barack Obama to an eight-point win for Mr. Trump in the last presidential election.”

“Deindustrialization of rural reaches and the Mississippi River regions had its impact, as did the hollowing out of institutions, from civic organizations to small-town newspapers, that had given the Upper Midwest a character separate from national politics.”

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