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Why Trump Wants to Clinch the Nomination in March

Why Trump Wants to Clinch the Nomination in March
Why Trump Wants to Clinch the Nomination in March

The Messenger: “Once Trump wins the majority of delegates, advisers say, it will fuel his argument that the cases against him are partisan ‘election interference’ — an accusation Democrats deny — because he will no longer be the theoretical Republican nominee for the White House he’ll be the de facto nominee. That should happen sometime between March 12 and March 19, when internal campaign calculations indicate he’ll have won more than the 1,215 delegates to secure the GOP post.”

“March just so happens to be the month when two of his criminal cases are scheduled to go to trial. With an eye on the legal calendar, Trump’s team quietly worked with state parties months ago to move up their primaries and change delegate-awarding thresholds to help him secure the nomination faster in March.”

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