Robert Irvine, renowned for his hit TV shows like Dinner: Impossible and Worst Cooks in America, is teaming up with Entrepreneur+ to provide exclusive content and a special Q&A for subscribers. If you’re a subscriber, keep reading! But if you still need to subscribe to Entrepreneur+, click here to unlock your membership for less than $1/week.
As an Entrepreneur+ subscriber, we want to give you the best insights into startup culture, growing businesses and clever leadership tactics. And there is no better person to give this month’s Subscribers-Only Event than Robert Irvine. He knows his way around the kitchen, but he also knows his way around how to put a team together. He understands the distinction between being in charge and being a true leader who can captivate attention and create a lasting impact.
If you’ve wondered why your leadership style is flat, unmoving, or poorly received, then you’ll want to check out this Q&A video for Robert’s best tips. In this special event, Robert will cover: