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Team Trump Revives Attack Ads Against DeSantis

Team Trump Revives Attack Ads Against DeSantis
Team Trump Revives Attack Ads Against DeSantis

“The super PAC supporting Donald Trump will begin airing an attack against Ron DeSantis in Iowa, a shift in strategy after months of focusing their messaging on their likely general election opponent,” the New York Times reports.

“It will enter the rotation as part of an ad buy totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars by the group Make America Great Again Inc., which supports Mr. Trump. It aims to paint Mr. DeSantis, with less than three months before the state’s first-in-the-nation caucuses, as insufficiently conservative, by accusing him of supporting statehood for Puerto Rico.”

“It marks a change in approach by the super PAC, which abandoned negative ads about Mr. DeSantis at the start of the summer.”

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