The beloved television game show “Wheel of Fortune” will soon undergo a massive change when longtime host Pat Sajak retires after the 2023-24 season — but one constant will stay the same.
Longtime “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest will take Sajak’s place starting in Fall 2024, but longtime co-host Vanna White is staying with the program. In September, Deadline reported that White extended her contract for two more years through the 2025-2026 season of “Wheel of Fortune.”
But amid the news of Sajak’s retirement, multiple outlets had reported that White was unhappy about her compensation and was demanding $4.5 million in salary ahead of the new season.
Now, White is putting those reports to rest — and denouncing them as untrue.
“Everything is so blown out of proportion, not just with my stuff, with everybody’s stuff,” White told People regarding the rumored negotiations.
The original reporting in July also claimed that White was seeking 50% of Sajak’s salary — if not more — and would walk away from the show if her demands were not met, something her legal team denied.
“Fifty percent of Pat’s salary is so outrageous that no one in their right mind could say that it’s fair,” an anonymous source who dealt with the negotiations told People. “The negotiation is asking for much more than 50 percent of his salary. It’s asking for the same pay — if not more.”
Related: Ryan Seacrest Is Officially the New Host of ‘Wheel of Fortune’
White’s salary was previously reportedly as $3 million. It is unclear what White’s new salary will be under her new contract.
White’s net worth is an estimated $85 million.