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Ken Paxton Exposes the Limits of Trumpism

Ken Paxton Exposes the Limits of Trumpism
Ken Paxton Exposes the Limits of Trumpism

“Ken Paxton and his MAGA allies framed his stunning impeachment trial as the last gasp of the GOP’s weakened establishment,” Politico reports.

“But as the trial nears its conclusion — a decision could come as early as this weekend — what the Paxton saga truly laid bare is something that’s far less revealing about the establishment wing of the party than about its MAGA base.”

“Even if he avoids conviction, Paxton has been damaged, with an ideological mix of Republicans aligned against him and his public approval rating ticking down. If the Texas trial proves anything, it’s that there may be at least some limits to the partisan tribalism of the Trump era.”

New York Times: Texas senators begin to deliberate Paxton impeachment.

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