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Rep. Ted Lieu Calls Out Tucker Carlson’s Russian Propaganda

Rep. Ted Lieu Calls Out Tucker Carlson’s Russian Propaganda
Rep. Ted Lieu Calls Out Tucker Carlson’s Russian Propaganda

Fox’s Tucker Carlson pushed false information on his show about Russia’s success in their invasion of Ukraine and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) called him out on it.

Lieu tweeted:

Carlson apparently knowingly repeated on his show a Russian-altered infographic that claimed 7 Ukrainian causalities are suffered for each Russian one.

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The numbers were inverted the real numbers are that seven Russians are dying for each Ukrainian.

Tucker Carlson and his producers knew the real number and lied.

(The Carlson video won’t be embedded or linked to here, because we will not play a part in any way in sharing Russian propaganda You can watch it by clicking the tweet above.)

It is important for people like Rep. Lieu who have been in the briefings and know the facts to call out Tucker Carlson’s lies and misinformation. The Fox News host is trying to help Putin win by undermining US support for Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson is spreading dangerous anti-democracy propaganda to at least a few million Americans each weeknight.

It is easy for elected officials to ignore Carlson, but ignoring a threat will not make it go away. Only when people collectively stand up to correct and condemn propaganda will American democracy be saved.

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