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Trump’s Beer Track Advantage Over DeSantis

Trump’s Beer Track Advantage Over DeSantis
Trump’s Beer Track Advantage Over DeSantis

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ pre-campaign campaign for president has hit the skids — particularly among key blocs of voters he’ll need to dethrone former President Donald Trump next year,” Politico reports.

“Polls show Trump dominating his likely primary competitor among GOP voters in the so-called ‘beer track’ — a shorthand for the cultural and socioeconomic characteristics of the bloc of voters with lower incomes and levels of educational attainment. While DeSantis is still the preferred candidate of high-income voters and those with college degrees, he is showing signs of bleeding there, too. In recent weeks, Trump’s numbers have been rising among all Republicans, including with GOP voters most skeptical of his candidacy in the so-called ‘wine track.’”

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