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Previewing the Final January 6 Committee Hearing

Previewing the Final January 6 Committee Hearing
Previewing the Final January 6 Committee Hearing

Playbook: “Since the very first hearing of the House Jan. 6 committee, the panel has vowed to do three things:(1) correct the historical record of the aftermath of the 2020 election; (2) present the case that former President Donald Trump was at the center of a scheme to overturn the results of a free and fair election; and (3) outline an ongoing attack on American democracy.”

“This afternoon, they’re set to tie all three together in what is expected to be the committee’s final televised hearing.”

The Washington Post reports there will be new evidence from the Secret Service and the New York Times says there will be new video footage of Roger Stone.

Politico: Why January 6 is mostly absent from the midterms.

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