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Fox News Melts Down After Biden Calls Out Trump GOP Fascism – PoliticusUSA

Fox News Melts Down After Biden Calls Out Trump GOP Fascism – PoliticusUSA
Fox News Melts Down After Biden Calls Out Trump GOP Fascism – PoliticusUSA

After President Biden said that the Trump Republican Party is on the march to semi-fascism, Fox News responded by melting down and defending fascism.

Biden said at a Maryland fundraiser, “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something — it’s like semi-fascism.”

Video of the Fox News response:

Transcribing and quoting the Fox News response would be elevating anti-democracy propaganda. The video can be watched above, but Fox News responded to Biden’s point by defending Trump’s fascism with a point-by-point list of what the failed former president “accomplished.” The list was not factual and loaded with deceptive statements or flat-out lies.

Fox and guest Karl Rove used their standard technique of personalization and projection by inaccurately claiming that Biden was talking about every person who voted for Donald Trump while he was not. The President was talking about an anti-democracy shift ideologically within the Trump GOP.

Importantly, the Fox News/Rove response was missing one key element. The media propagandists never defended democracy. Fox and Rove didn’t discuss the Republican support for democracy and what Republicans have done to strengthen democracy.

It would be easy to defend democracy if Trump’s party still believed in it, but this omission demonstrated that they do not.

Fox News got hysterical, exaggerated, and melted down, but never once did they deny Biden’s point that the Republican Party has become fundamentally undemocratic under Donald Trump.

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