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Republicans In Disarray As Matt Gaetz And Steve Bannon Try To Overthrow Kevin McCarthy

Republicans In Disarray As Matt Gaetz And Steve Bannon Try To Overthrow Kevin McCarthy
Republicans In Disarray As Matt Gaetz And Steve Bannon Try To Overthrow Kevin McCarthy

Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon are calling for the overthrow of Kevin McCarthy as Republican House Leader so that Jim Jordan can replace him.

Video of Gaetz and Bannon:

Gaetz said at CPAC, “If anyone poists to be the leader of our party and our movement, they can not stand for the swamp, for the establishment, and the bureaucratic permanent state. They have to stand with us in exposing these issues, and if Kevin McCarthy will not allow us to find these answers, he should not be the leader of the Republican conference.”

Bannon then asked the crowd, “What do you guys think about that? Do we want Jim Jordan?”

Kevin McCarthy’s Red Wave His Gone And Now Matt Gaetz And Steve Bannon Are Trying To Overthrow Him

The red wave has vanished as McCarthy has seen the expected number of Republican House seat pickups go from his boast of 60-70 earlier in the year to 15-30 with the number decreasing by the week.

It is increasingly possible that even if Republicans take back the House, they will have a small majority, which makes Kevin McCarthy ripe to be overthrown. The far right in the House has been telling anyone who will listen that they want Jordan, not McCarthy, to be the next Speaker.

The fact that Gaetz and Bannon, two people who should be behind bars, are advocating for the guy who covered up the Ohio State wrestling scandal to lead them speaks volumes about the state of the Republican Party.

Kevin McCarthy just isn’t criminal enough to be the Republican Speaker of the House.

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