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Should You Be Allowed To Cook, If You Can’t Boil Eggs?

Everyone has his own willpower and the right to think from his own perspective. Opinions differ from person to person. In order to give the solution to this toughest situation:

Should a person be allowed to cook, if he can’t boil eggs?

Most people will not allow a person to cook if he does not have the ability to boil eggs.

This is because boiling eggs is considered to be the easiest task when it comes to cooking.

They will think that a person with no capabilities of doing such a tiny task should not be given permission to do the hardest.

But my point of view is different from others. My answer is: “Yes”.

I should be given the opportunity to cook even if I’m not perfect at boiling eggs. It would be an injustice to prohibit me from the others. Let’s see Why/?

  • It is not fair to restrict me:

It will be wrong to restrict me. In fact, it would be an injustice. Because if a person is not well in doing something very basic, It doesn’t mean the world is ending for him. Even, he can’t shut the doors and remain inside within the four walls.

  • Practice makes perfect:

Practice is much important in order to gain perfection. If I keep working on learning egg boiling, maybe I learn it one day.

  • Hurdles teach the lessons:

Going through the tough tasks, a person struggles a lot. And these struggles do not go wasted. In fact, these hurdles remain in mind with great lessons. Furthermore, these give a person a deep insight into it.

  • Man learns to go through difficulties:

This is the biggest benefit of handling big tasks that a man learns to go through tough situations. And he gains a great command over passing through hurdles. This thing remains with him throughout his life. And by facing any calamity he becomes able to tackle it with his experience.

  • Not the area of interest:

You might have heard that everyone has his own areas of interest, on which he has full grip. Here, the possibility is that maybe that minor task is not my area of interest. Therefore, I’m no expert in that. And those big tasks are better to be handled by me because I’ve expertise in them.

  • Handling the tough task will improve my skills:

Handling the tough tasks will improve my skill and grip over them. And in the future, I’ll get perfect into that.


To conclude, I will just say that instead of avoiding the tough situations, it’s better to battle with them. To leave everything just because I’m not able to do even a minor act, will not be a wise act.

For instance, I have a passion for content writing and giving my services on some particular platforms. Many customers are happy to work with me instead of the few ones. In keeping with those few customers’ points of view, should I leave my passion?


One thing is important; I will learn a lesson from those few ones. And will polish my skill in a better way. 

I trust in my capabilities. I believe that working more on my skill, and polishing it would be better, instead of leaving my passion.

I should not be restricted to do everything, just because of that imperfection in that minor act. Rather I should be given the right to get perfection. I fully trust in my capability that the day will come when I will not only boil the egg. The possibility is that I’ll boil the eggs means to tackle that situation in a more perfect way than the others.

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